- Overview
- Schedule
Becht Engineering's Design‐By‐Analysis course will introduce participants to the Design‐By‐ Analysis portion of the ASME code Section VIII, Division 2, Part 5. Based on the rules and guidance provided in Part 5, this course is a comprehensive introduction to the requirements of performing Design‐By‐ Analysis to the ASME Code. This course provides detailed instruction on performing finite element analysis in compliance with the Code. Example problems are presented and discussed for many of the common rules. This course is intended for engineers who are familiar with pressure vessel and piping design, and need additional guidance on applying Design‐ By‐Analysis concepts. Experience with finite element analysis is not required, but an understanding of the fundamentals would be an asset.
- General Philosophy: Protection Against Failure Modes
- Load Conditions and Load Case Combinations
- Protection Against Plastic Collapse
- Elastic Analysis
- Limit Analysis
- Elastic-Plastic Analysis
- Protection Against Local Failure
- Protection Against Collapse from Buckling
- Current rules overview (limited)
- Upcoming 2023-Edition rules changes (detailed)
- Protection Against Failure from Cyclic Loading: Ratcheting
- Elastic Analysis(limited)
- Elastic-Plastic Analysis
- Protection Against Failure from Cyclic Loading: Fatigue
- Screening for exemption from fatigue analysis
- Elastic Fatigue Analysis
- Elastic-Plastic Fatigue Analysis
- Protection Against Failure from Cyclic Loading: Fatigue of Weldments
- Fatigue Strength Reduction Factor
- Structural Stress Method
- Histogram Developments and Cycle Counting for Fatigue Analysis
- Introduction to Part 4 – Design By Rules
- FEA / Part 5 Report Discussion
Who Should Attend:
Individuals involved with Design-By-Analysis of pressure vessels and piping. Technical background in pressure vessel and/or piping design is required. Experience in using finite element analysis will be helpful but is not necessary.
Training Location:
Becht Training Office [Tentative location- Due to class size, the course may move to a location near Den Haag train station. Please check back to confirm.]
Voorschoten, Dobbeweg 1C
[Neer Den Haang, Netherlands]
Accommodation Suggestions:
*There is no specific hotel for this training, although we suggest the following.
Bezuidenhoutseweg 53
2594 AC, Den Haag
To get to the training location, you will cross the courtyard to Den Haag Station and take the sprinter train to Voorschoten. From the Voorschoten train station the office is a 5-minute walk.
For more information on training logistics, see the linked Attendee Info Sheet.